Monday, November 27, 2017

Is Trump mobilizing the Democratic Party?

With many Republicans in Congress scrambling to distance themselves from President Trump in what seem to be desperate attempts to retain their seats, and despite Administration attempts to put a curb on the president's mouth, we are seeing a resurgence in what I call "small-market politics." And it's all about the Democrats.

You see, while the Republican congresspersons are running AWAY from the political turmoil, it seems the Democrats are running TOWARDS it, seeing opportunities to retake Congressional seats, but also to further efforts to dominate state and local government.

Take for example former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti who announced in late October that he would seek to run for Attorney General of the State of Illinois. This morning, Mariotti filed his petition with the Illinois State Board of Elections to appear on the ballot and is thanking a grassroots campaign in helping gain the thousands of signatures necessary to do so.

In this blogger's opinion, we are seeing just the beginning of a re-energized Democratic Party nationwide. While the presidential election left a more-than-bitter taste and sense of despair for the Democrats, the Trump Administration's policies and public behavior of the president are signaling politicians, and prospective politicians in blue, that now is the time, and that there is an open path forward.

Please note that the writer of this blog identifies as independent and does not endorse any particular political candidate or party.

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