Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Is Kim Jong-un's dictatorial reign near an end?

Tensions are raised even higher on the Korean Peninsula after the Kim Jong-un regime has tested their most advanced, highest-flying missile to date. While the dictator's father and grandfather used to routinely make overt gestures and threats aimed at the United States and its allies, they rarely acted materially on such threats, mostly using them to encourage loosening of sanctions for North Korea while bolstering "success" to DPRK citizens using the state-run media.

But with the rise of the newest "Great Leader" of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, the peninsula and world-at-large has entered a new age where the DPRK's cult personality figure has repeatedly shown his intent and will to develop more advanced military weapons, to show the world that they are operational, and to take threats against the U.S. and its allies to a new, more tangible level.

The latest missile test on part of the DPRK demonstrated a swift development in the technology and feasibility of their military arsenal. Rhetoric of days past has turned to the greater world realizing that this is a new type of leader for North Korea. One flaunting a bravado not seen in decades past. One willing to directly challenge Western powers backed by shows of advancing ballistics with the intent to prove to the world once and for all that the United States is not immune to attacks from the hermit regime.

With such an elevated confidence on the part of Jong-un, one may question two things: Has the time arrived when threats from the DPRK, once considered mostly idle, are now viable? And is Kim Jong-un truly unafraid or unaware of the massive military might of the United States that sits now waiting on a hair trigger, monitoring gestures that seem to be steadily morphing into what appears an actionable military threat? In this writer's opinion, Kim Jong-un has crossed the proverbial line in the sand and may prove to his citizens that he is awakening a much larger beast that may soon be forced to finally remove his family's long-treasured intimidation not only of the Korean Peninsula, but of all around the world who sit watching, waiting.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Does a senior U.S. general distrust the president?

About exactly ten days ago, Air Force General John Hyten, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command and top nuclear commander of the nation, made some pretty stark statements that would pique the ears of even a citizen with zero interest in our tumultuous political sphere. It's an issue that has been talked about here and there but one that many are afraid to even touch upon anymore: Nuclear weapons. And more precisely, if President Trump is capable of making sound judgment in a critical nuclear situation.

Now, any average armchair analyst who doesn't like Republicans or the president can sit back and use 240 characters to tell you why Trump has his finger on the trigger and the world is soon to be dust. There are lots of different people with lots of different opinions and you'll of course find some of the most poignant here on the Internet. Everyone knows that, right? But what does it say when the foremost nuclear military authority of the nation comments on what would happen should the president order an "illegal" nuclear strike?

To even make comment on the issue for a person of such rank is quite a spectacle in itself. And I'm not sure we're talking about an interesting spectacle. I would want, as I'm sure most citizens would want, the leader of STRATCOM to respond to such inquires or quandaries with something like, "That would never happen," or maybe, "I have complete faith in the president and our procedures are defined and unwavering!" But no! General Hyten more than hinted that the concept of a president, or this president in particular, potentially issuing an illicit strike has crossed minds! And that the powers that be at STRATCOM would dissect that situation and react appropriately, perhaps even defying a direct presidential order.

To quote General Hyten directly, "We think about these things a lot. When you have this responsibility, how do you not think about it?" When I learned that these words had been spoken by a man chiefly responsible for our United States nuclear arsenal, I was shocked to be quite honest. Never in my life has any similar situation ever arisen, or if it did, it was well-buried in silent talks or pages of lost bureaucracy. Nuclear arms are far and away the most devastating, destructive, and frightening weapons that mankind has ever created. We all know the type of absolute annihilation they can cause. Possessing them can only be done with absolute oversight and responsibility. This citizen would prefer that our top brass be able to flatly say that they can trust our president in the event of a nuclear crisis.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Is Trump mobilizing the Democratic Party?

With many Republicans in Congress scrambling to distance themselves from President Trump in what seem to be desperate attempts to retain their seats, and despite Administration attempts to put a curb on the president's mouth, we are seeing a resurgence in what I call "small-market politics." And it's all about the Democrats.

You see, while the Republican congresspersons are running AWAY from the political turmoil, it seems the Democrats are running TOWARDS it, seeing opportunities to retake Congressional seats, but also to further efforts to dominate state and local government.

Take for example former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti who announced in late October that he would seek to run for Attorney General of the State of Illinois. This morning, Mariotti filed his petition with the Illinois State Board of Elections to appear on the ballot and is thanking a grassroots campaign in helping gain the thousands of signatures necessary to do so.

In this blogger's opinion, we are seeing just the beginning of a re-energized Democratic Party nationwide. While the presidential election left a more-than-bitter taste and sense of despair for the Democrats, the Trump Administration's policies and public behavior of the president are signaling politicians, and prospective politicians in blue, that now is the time, and that there is an open path forward.

Please note that the writer of this blog identifies as independent and does not endorse any particular political candidate or party.